07968 134048 ali@alimcoaching.com

Getting The Most From Your WHY Statement

There is no doubt that any good personal WHY statement takes time and effort to create. So having made this investment in your WHY statement you will want to get the most that you can from it. Quite rightly you took quite a long time to write and refine your WHY...

6 Reasons Why You Need A WHY Statement

Most people do not know what their true calling in life is.  Some people just don’t care about this and are happy to be a drifter in life and just “go with the flow”.  Others do care about it but have problems with identifying their real purpose in life....

Why Your Business Needs A WHY Statement

Why Your Business Needs A WHY Statement A WHY statement for a business is known as a “Mission Statement”.  It is similar to a personal WHY statement in a number of ways.  Having a good mission statement is important but most business owners don’t bother to...
Using LinkedIn For Social Networking

Using LinkedIn For Social Networking

LinkedIn is a specialty social networking site.   It’s much more specialised than the others due to the audience it attracts.  LinkedIn is specifically for professionals, rather than a portal for socialising.    Business owners looking to...
Embracing Life and Walking In the Woods

Embracing Life and Walking In the Woods

This has been one of the strangest and most unusual last couple of weeks for the majority of the global community.  With the Coronavirus Pandemic affecting most of our lives and with us being on ‘lock down’ we are confined to our homes and having to learn to live...
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