The past couple of months have been both strange and challenging for many of us. With many countries being on Lockdown because of the Coronavirus Pandemic we have had to learn how to cope with solitude, not being able to spend time with people that we love and our friends and family. We have also had to learn new methods of coping with being at home all the time and self-care strategies for isolation and to stave off boredom.
I am extremely blessed in that I live in the countryside, surrounded by walks where I do not come into contact with hardly any people and also have a large garden which I have turned over several places where I now have an abundance of vegetables and fruit growing. I can only imagine how difficult it has been for people who have no outside places to sit or exercise.
This time of being at home has given us time to reflect on where we are with our lives, identify what we really what we want to be doing and to put in place plans and strategies that will not only help us identify our WHY, but that will also start us on the road to achieving where we really want to be in our lives.
Whether it is a new relationship, a new job or a new hobby, it is a matter of deciding that you want to make changes and putting in Action Plans and strategies that will enable you to reach them.
It has also been a time where many of us have had no earnings whatsoever and whose businesses will really struggle to survive over the next couple of months. So you can either stand still, or you can diversify and find new ways of either changing the way that you work, or start a new business altogether like I have.
Apart from my love of gardening, I also love dogs and because of this, I have built a completely new business which is called Love Dogs. It is a shop and marketplace where you can buy anything from Tshirts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Mugs, cushions, phone cases, laptop sleeves to numerous other products which are all branded with either pictures of dogs or slogans about dogs. As it is a new venture, I will be adding new products all the time including dog coats, dog beds, table mats, tea towels and anything to do with dogs. You can even send me a picture of your dogs and I can put them onto any product for you to buy as a bespoke product.
Take a look at the website and let me know what you think. Here is the link – Love Dogs. The site is
If you would like to contact me or send me any feedback, please feel free to do so on
Wishing you a wonderful day.