07968 134048 ali@alimcoaching.com

I have just had to take over a week off work as I have been ill and had to stay in bed.  For the first time in a long time, I did not open emails, do any Social Media or respond to anything in the ‘Virtual World’.

Did my businesses come to a grinding halt, or did they carry on working as smoothly as clockwork while I took time out to self-care and heal myself?

They did the latter.

This was not a stroke of luck or chance.  This was because I have built my business models on businesses that are all internet based and automated.   I have put in place systems and procedures that ensure that they work 24/7 and 365 days a year.

One of my businesses offers business coaching.  This is a good business model.  However, to coach businesses can be extremely time consuming and even if you are fortunate enough to have high level coaching clients, there is only one of you.  This means that you are selling your time for money.

Had I only had this business model, it would have meant that last week, I would have had to cancel everything.  I would have had no income and would have had to reschedule all of my appointments, meaning that the coming weeks, I would have been playing ‘catch up’.

Does this sound familiar to you?

My new businesses are both internet based, so accessible anywhere from the world at any time of day or night.  I set up two of them during the Coronavirus pandemic.  There could not have been a better time, as the majority of people were confined to their homes and the internet was the only way of communicating with the outside world.

If you are trading time for money and have no back up plan in place, maybe you need to look at what you are currently doing and think of ways that you can implement to ensure that you are not left vulnerable and without any income.

If I can be of any help, please email me at ali@alimcoaching.com or call me on +44 7968 134048.

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